Transformative communication
Social change requires communication. The question is what role strategic communication can play in the transformation to a sustainable society.
The concept of networked campaigning will be further developed.
Project information
- Development of a process model in s:ne for the integration of strategic communication and knowledge management in transformative research.
- Development of a typology of sustainability communication including the conception of
transformative PR. - Workshops with actors from practice and science (ongoing).
Pleil, Thomas; Matusiak, Lea; Müller, Sandra (2021): Public Relations in Transformative Science: The Contribution of Strategic Communication to the Success of a Transformative Research Paradigm, in: Borchers, Nils S.; Güney, Selma; Krüger, Uwe, Schamberger, Kerem: Media of Transformation. Proceedings of the Critical Communication Studies Network. 259-282.