Design of two further audio trails in Schaafheim and Groß-Bieberau
The new audio trails in Schaafheim and Groß-Bieberau give laypersons access to mixed reality and augmented reality applications.
In addition, a walk-through and audible city archive is to be designed.
Project information
- Auditory mediation and awareness raising; production of 2 x 10 audio stations positioned in the above-mentioned municipalities that convey urban history in the form of artistic short
features. Content to be made accessible to lay people (visitors and walkers) by means of a
simple smartphone application. - High-quality design of the content to create "listening points" that would not be accessible without technological input.
- Prototype
- Audience development for the problem sets
- Development of an experience concept based on acoustic ecology and experience
communication. - Building on this: App development
- Building on this: Content development and realisation. Development and realisation, specific encoding
- Development of accompanying measures: Support for users; website with background
information - Introductory workshop by students
- Planned: Evaluation of audience reactions with regard to audience development and
media-aesthetic education.
Status: completed
Project leadership: Prof. Sabine Breitsameter
Sponsor/Client: Support initiative of the Odenwaldklub e.V.
Participating institutions: OWK, municipalities of Schaafheim and Groß Bieberau, FRAport, HMWK, Sparkasse Dieburg, Regionalmanagement Landkreis Darmstadt-Dieburg; Heimat- und Geschichtsverein Schaafheim.