3D sound productions with Spatial <br />Sound Wave

Motivation des Projekts: Gestalterische Nutzbarmachung von 3D-Audio-Technologien sowie die Schaffung von Methodologien der ästhetischen Sinnstiftung jenseits der rein technischen Adaption.


Project information

  • Answer to the questions: Does the technology deliver what it promises? Is the 3D listening
    experience guaranteed?
  • Systematic investigation of technological strengths and weaknesses as well as design
    possibilities and limitations.
  • Development of proposals for technological improvements
  • Conception, development and production of 3-5 exemplary novel formats and application
  • Analysis of the design processes/concepts and their degree of innovation
  • Cultural-historical derivation of 3D audio and "immersion".
  • Analysis of reference works and apparatuses.
  • Formation of criteria for apparatus-specific 3D audio concepts and their auditory production.
  • Integration into teaching in order to develop diversity of forms and application scenarios.
  • Critical evaluation of dramaturgies, symbolic and formal languages for their specificity.
  • 3D audio was able to establish itself firmly at the h_da as a creative-artistic-technical teaching component.
  • The connection between artistic research and the use of innovative technologies could be
    legitimised very well as an example.
  • The project became the starting point for media-ecological questions that also think of the transfer of technology as an impetus for structural change in production, distribution and
  • Extensive reports in FAZ, Darmstädter Echo and a request for jury membership.
  • The topic of 3D audio became visible and its competent anchoring at the h_da was
  • Two invitations as keynote speaker (Australia and ZKM Karlsruhe), two invitations as invited major speaker (Kassel and Viseu in Portugal).
  • One Master's and two Bachelor's theses
  • Number of workshops and other transfer activities: Three workshops: ZKM Karlsruhe and University of Kassel.

Status: completed

Funding body: no external funding

Project Management: Prof. Sabine Breitsameter

Project partners: Fraunhofer IDMT - Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology and René Rodigast (external project partner)