Darmstadt Approach to Developing Resilience and Curiosity

How can classical business administration become better at providing convincing management concepts for a world that is becoming increasingly complex and volatile, and at accompanying and shaping the socio-ecological transformation?

The INQA Experimental Space project DA_RuN seeks the solution in a paradigm shift in which organisational resilience comes into play as a new guiding principle for management and leadership in the 21st century. Models, success factors and measures are (further) developed for this and finally made available in the form of a so-called "lernOS" guide.

In a holistic learning and development process, the concepts will be implemented in the partner organisations. The aim of the project is to promote the quality of work in organisations and to open up new perspectives on organisational development.


Project informationen

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt

Vitronic GmbH, Wiesbaden

Sanner GmbH, Bensheim

schenck.de AG, Mülheim an der Ruhr

Die Haftpflichtkasse VVaG, Roßdorf

Sustainable Thinking GbR, Darmstadt

Unternehmerverband Südhessen e.V., Darmstadt

  • Projects with partners
  • Workshops
  • Lectures
  • learnOS (Open Science)
  • Transfer formats such as professional articles, learning materials, etc.
  • Lifelong learning
  • Organisational development

Funding and duration: 01.07.2023 - 30.06.2025

Funding body: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Status: ongoing

Contact: da-run@h-da.de

Project website: DA_RuN

Project information

Project Management:

Prof. Dr. Pia Sue Helferich

Prof. Dr. Werner Stork


Project Coordination:

Johanna Möbius

Maximilian Grund