Media as Environments: Production and Facilitation

Clarification and critical analysis of the phenomenon and term "immersion" in media production. Elaborate and submit a proposal for an EU-funded research project on online collaboration.


Project information

Ex\\Immersio pursues a critical intellectual and artistic discourse on the very generically used, popular term of Immersion. The symposium‘s goal is to strengthen an original creativity in this field, investigate the necessary media technology and instill a competent facilitation.

Relevant lectures and project presentations by the project partners.

Overview of concrete activities, technologies used, artistic concepts and current discourses on the topic; identification of design principles that, in combination with so-called immersive
technologies, lead to new worlds of experience.

BMBF application "The European Innovation Union - German Impulses for the European Research Area".

A stable international network and significantly increased sector awareness.

Better identification of the experiential and aesthetic innovation content in the application of technological-medial innovation.


Duration: 2021

Continuation planned for 2023
Funding body: Partial funding by DKMI
Project partner:

  • Museum Schloss Fechenbach/Dieburg
  • ZKM Karlsruhe
  • Dublin City University/Ireland
  • Ioanian University/ Greece
  • Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj/Romania
  • FH St. Pölten/Austria

Project information

Duration: 2021

Continuation planned for 2023

Partial funding by DKMI

Participants of the h_da: Sabine Breitsameter, Klaus Schüller, Robin Wiemann, Aleksandar Vejnovic

Project manager: Prof. Sabine Breitsameter

Project partners: Museum Schloss Fechenbach/Dieburg, ZKM Karlsruhe, Dublin City University/Ireland, Ioanian University/ Greece, Babeș-Bolyai-University Cluj/Romania, FH St. Pölten/Austria