Prof. Dr. Alexander Unger

about the person

  • Digital Education - Education and Learning in the Digital Society
  • Mediatization of socio-educational fields of action and learning cultures
  • Learning and educational potential of digital game culture(s)
  • Cooperative media production and informal learning
  • (Hybrid) spatial theory and social space analysis


Digitalization or Mediatization? An Analytical View on the Transformation of Social Work" - lecture at the (online) conference: Digtialisierung und Soziale Arbeit (FernUniversität Hagen) on 22.10.2020


Lost in the net? The mediatization of the (adolescent) lifeworld" - Keynote at the 1st meeting of the medienpädagogischer Rat, MuK, Darmstadt, December 2019.


Digital Culture(s) - Between Prosumers and Functional Illiterates, January 2018 (University of Magdeburg, Lecture Series: Digital Cultures and Education).

BYOD - Approaches and potentials for media-based learning, October 2018 (lecture in the context of the thematic platform "Digitalization in Education, Science and Culture").


BYOD - The Future of Learning, June 2017 (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Science Wednesday).

Digital Education and Inclusion as a Field of Research, August 2017 (lecture in the context of the research center dkmi).


Final presentation of the evaluation results of the project "Start in die nächste Generation" - Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung (BSB), 7.11.2016.

"Mediatization of relational orders as a condition and reference point of (media)
educational processes and (media) pedagogical theory building" Symposium at the DGfE Congress 2016, on 17.03.2016.


"Modding as a subcultural practice" - lecture in the context of the lecture series "Subcultures of Play" at HAW Hamburg, on 21.04.2015.

Further lectures


Unger, Alexander (2021): Digital Education and Mediatization. In: Damberger, Thomas/ Schell-Kiel, Ines/ Wahl, Johann (eds.): Pedagogy, Social Work and Digitality. (In press)

Unger, Alexander (2021): Digitalization or Mediatization? An Analytical Look at the
Transformation of Social Pedagogical Fields of Work. In: Wunder, Maik (ed.): Digitalisierung und
Soziale Arbeit - Transformationen, Beharrungen, Herausforderungen. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt,
pp. 50 - 67.

Unger, Alexander (2021): Digital media in social space analysis. Contribution for



Unger, Alexander (2020): Senioren Zocken - Die "Granny Gamer" und ihre Relevanz für die
Medienforschung in höheren Lebensalter. In: Media & Aging, 16/2020, pp. 46 - 59.



Unger, Alexander (2019): Beyond technical issues. BYOD and the digital learning culture. In: Münter-Goussar, Stephan/Unger, Alexander (Eds.): BYOD. Computer + Unterricht, No. 113/2019,
pp. 4-9.

Münter-Goussar, Stephan/ Unger, Alexander (eds.) (2019): BYOD. Computer + Unterricht,
No. 113/2019.

Unger, Alexander (2019): Total War: Rome 2. In: Schier, Karen (Ed.) LEG Book 3. Learning, Education & Games Volume 3: 100 Games to Use in the Classroom and Beyond. Pittsburg: ETC Press, pp. 460-468.



Unger, Alexander (2018): Growing up in the (ver-)doppelter Netz - Social Network Sites and Social Networking in the Digital Society. Journal of Vocational Education and Training No. 173/2018, pp. 6-8.



Unger, Alexander (2017): Open Data. In: Schorb, Bernd/Hartung, Anja: "Grundbegriffe
Medienpädagogik". Munich: Kopaed, pp. 333-337.

Kammerl, Rudolf/Unger, Alexander (2017): Lernen unter entgrenzten Bedingungen - Ein Pilotprojekt zum Lernen mit eigenen Endgeräten. In: Grell, Petra/ Hug, Theo/ Mayerberger, Kerstin (eds.): Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 13. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, pp. 117-132



Kammerl, Rudolf/Unger, Alexander/Günther, Silke/Schwedler, Anja (2016): BYOD - Launching the next generation. Final report of the scientific evaluation of the pilot project.
University of Hamburg.

Further publications

dkmi member

Alexander Unger

Communication Adelungstraße 51
64287 Darmstadt
Office: E10, 103
