Prof. Thorsten Greiner

Short profile

Prof. Thorsten Greiner teaches in the Expanded Media programme at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.

In his research work, Prof. Thorsten Greiner examines, among other things, the expansion of analogue formats in virtual realities. In teaching, he develops new sound interfaces with students and explores spatial sound processes in game engines.

As a video artist, he has collaborated with various theatre and ballet ensembles in the context of
audiovisual stage performances.

Since 2017, Prof. Thorsten Greiner has been teaching Intermedial Design and Sound Interaction at the State Centre MUSIC-DESIGN-PERFORMANCE of the State University of Music Trossingen.

about the person

  • Intermedial design and sound interaction
  • Stage performances
  • Sound Interfaces
  • Spatial sound processes in game engines
  • Virtual Realities

2017 - 2018

Ballet Mediation Residency - 360° videos and binaural spatial sound as artistic means

2017 - 2018

Performance and sculpture: installation and spatial sound, VR exhibits, Kunsthalle Mannheim

Participation in theatre-dance plays and festivals


"Hohen Karpfen XXI" Land-Sound-Art at the mythical place, artistic direction: Thorsten Greiner, event of the State University of Music Trossingen in cooperation with the
Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele and the art symposium Hofgut Hohenkarpfen



Fake - Dance piece by Tim Plegge, performed at Staatstheater Darmstadt, videography by Thorsten Greiner


Greiner, T.; Muñoz Morcillo, J.; Robertson-von Trotha, C.; Rümmele, K.: Öffentlichkeit und Neue
Medien: das Projekt "InsideScience". In book: Science and the Internet, pp.275-286. Publisher:
Düsseldorf University Press, Editors: A. Tokar, M. Beurskens, S. Keuneke, M. Mahrt, I. Peters, C.
Puschmann, T. van Treeck, K. Weller, 2013.


Greiner, T.; Muñoz Morcillo, J.; Robertson-von Trotha, C.; Rümmele, K.: The Public and New Media: The InsideScience Project. In conference proceedings: Journées Hubert Curien, at: Nancy, France, 2012.


Prof. Thorsten Greiner

Communication Max-Planck-Straße 2
64807 Dieburg
Office: F17, 011
