Prof. Dr. Henriette Heidbrink


  • Subject area: Journalism with a focus on digital transformation
  • Program director of the Master Media, Technology & Society (together with Sebastian Pranz)

Brief profile

Henriette Heidbrink studied media studies at the University of Siegen and completed her doctorate at the DFG Research College "Medienumbrüche". She worked for several years as a freelance consultant at the interface of media/format development and business development. Her research focuses on "Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Transformation in Digital Journalism" and "Media Change and Format Development".


About the person

  • Journalism
  • Digital Transformation
  • Innovations, entrepreneurship & transformation
  • Media change & format development
  • Theories and methods in media cultural studies

Since 2021

Cooperation for research and knowledge transfer with Helmer Hein (Editorial Director at Hessischer Rundfunk) on the topic of 'Format Development'.



"Format innovations with the media morphological card set"
Session at the 10th Content Strategy Barcamp, October 6, 2023, Dieburg.

"Digital media change and innovative format development. Transmedia research perspectives on journalistic offerings"
Lecture at the Science Wednesday of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, May 24, 2023, Mediencampus



"Innovative Format Development in German Public Service Media. Agile processes, user centricity, third-party platforms, and teams in the digital age"
together w. Christian Bernhardt. Annual Conference of the European Media Management Association (emma): Reorganization of Media Industries: Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, and Regulation, 17 June 2022, Munich.



"Skills and Lifelong Learning for Media Professionals Producing Content for Internet Intermediaries and Virtual Platforms. Strategies and challenges using the example of the public service funk"
together w. Pia Sue Helferich. Annual Conference of the DFG Media Economics Research Group on the topic of Internet intermediaries and virtual platforms from a media-economic perspective, October 1, 2021, Hamburg.

"The Potential of Media Morphology for the Development of New Journalistic Formats.
A contribution to innovation research in journalism from a media studies perspective"
Annual conference of the DFG journalism research group on Innovations in Journalism: Theories - Methods - Potentials? September 15-17, 2021, Munich.



"Entrepreneurial decisions in interdisciplinary journalism start-ups. An analysis of three media accelerators"
together w. Sebastian Pranz. Annual Conference of the DFG Journalism Research Group on Interdisciplinary Journalism Research - Interdisciplinary Journalism, September 24-25, 2020, Hamburg.

"Financing models of journalistic start-ups & SMEs in comparison. Which model suits whom?"
Cashcamp of the Journalism Lab NRW/Landesanstalt für Medien NRW,
September 24, 2020, digital.



"Methods of Innovative Entrepreneurial Journalism - Structural Analysis & Method Critique"
Annual Conference of the DFG Media Economics Research Group on Innovation in Media Production and Distribution, September 26-28, 2019, Cologne.

"Veränderte Rollenbilder im Journalismus"
Lecture and discussion for training purposes for members of the Media Commission of the
Landesanstalt für Medien NRW, Committee for Diversity and Participation, chaired by Ulrike Kaiser,
invited lecture on June 6, 2019, Düsseldorf.

"Geld verdienen mit digitalem Lokaljournalismus - Ansätze und Erfolgsbeispiele"
Keynote of the Idea Sprint: Journalismus 2020 - organized by the Journalismus Lab of the Landesanstalt für Medien NRW, April 12, 2019, Düsseldorf.

"Marketing-Essentials für Start-ups"
Lecture and two-day marketing workshop as part of the 6-month scholarship program SeTUp at TU Darmstadt, 3 and 4 April 2019, Darmstadt.



"Theoriearbeit der Digitalisierung - eine Metaanalyse"
Annual Conference of the DFG Research Group Media Economics on the topic Beyond Digital: Zeit für die global
vernetzte Echtzeitmedienwirtschaft - Zeit für neue Theorien?
, 25/26 October 2018, Paderborn.

"Critical thinking and content development"
Session at the Content Strategy Barcamp, June 24, 2018, Dieburg.

"Content Strategies & Marketing Concepts for Founders"
Workshop in the seTUp program of Highest - Innovation and Start-up Center of TU Darmstadt, March 22, 2018, Darmstadt.

"Storytelling in the field of tension between digital necessities and sustainable norms"
Keynote at the conference Narrations of Sustainability, January 30/31, 2018, at the Schader Foundation, Darmstadt.



"Marketing strategies in freelance journalism"
Lecture for the RiffReporter (cooperative of freelance journalists) in the framework program of
Wissenswerte, 4 December 2017, Darmstadt.

"Communication strategies for start-ups. Website, marketing and cooperation with agencies"
Lecture as part of the start-up consultation of Highest - Innovations- und Gründungszentrum der TU Darmstadt, July 5, 2017, Darmstadt.


Jury activity


Jury member for the funding programs "Medienstart" and "Medienprojekt" of the Vienna Business Agency

Jury member for the Audiopreis 2023 for journalists and producers
(Landesmedienanstalt NRW)



Jury member for the 2022 Audio Prize for journalists and producers
(State Media Authority NRW)



Jury member for the 2021 Audio Award for journalists and producers
(Landesmedienanstalt NRW)



Jury member for the special prize for independent local online media in NRW during the COVID-19 pandemic (Journalismus Lab NRW)


Expert activities


Conference of the DGPuK specialist group on media economics, Stuttgart



Conference of the European Media Management Association (emma). "Reorganization of Media
Industries: Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, and Regulation", Munich



Conference of the DGPuK specialist group on media economics, Hamburg

Conference of the DGPuK Journalism Section, Munich



Conference of the DGPuK Media Economics Section, Online

Conference of the DGPuK Journalism Section, Online



Conference of the DGPuK Media Economics Section, Cologne



Conference of the DGPuK Media Economics Section, Paderborn


Organization of events


10th Content Strategy Camp, #cosca23, organized by Mittelstand 4.0- Kompetenzzentrum



Wissbar19 - Science Bar Camp of the Research Center for Digital Communication and Media Innovation, April 2019


together with Christian Bernhardt and Helmer Hein: "Innovative format development in public service broadcasting. Agile processes, creativity, platforms and teams in the digital age". In: Media industry, 1/23, p. 2-16.



together with Sebastian Pranz, Florian Stadler, Riccardo Wagner (eds.). 2022. journalism and
corporate communication: between convergence and convergence
. Wiesbaden: Springer.


together with Sebastian Pranz, Florian Stadler and Riccardo Wagner: Neue Wege in die Öffentlichkeit. How journalism and corporate communication are changing. In: Sebastian Pranz, Henriette
Heidbrink, Florian Stadler, Riccardo Wagner (eds.). 2022. Journalism and
Corporate Communication: Between Convergence and Competition. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 3-24 .


together with Sebastian Pranz: Effectuation and Dynamic Capabilities - Journalistic Start-ups
between Idealism and Pragmatism. Conversations with founders from three media accelerators
In: Sebastian Pranz, Henriette Heidbrink, Florian Stadler, Riccardo Wagner (eds.). 2022. journalism and corporate communication: between convergence and competition.
Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 209-243.



Theory work in media economics using the example of digitization. An approach from an interdisciplinary perspective. In: Jörg Müller-Lietzkow (ed.). 2020. beyond digital: time for the globally networked
real-time media economy - time for new theory? Series Media Economics, vol. 15, Baden-Baden:
Nomos, pp. 65-109.


Innovation methods in entrepreneurial journalism. Structural analysis and critique of Lean Startup and Design Thinking from the perspective of economization. In: Christian Wellbrock, Christian Zabel (eds.). 2020. Innovation in Media Production and Distribution - Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the
Media Economics Section of the DGPUK 2019, Cologne. Stuttgart: German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies e.V., pp. 37-54.


Further publications at:




Prof. Dr. Henriette Heidbrink

Communication Max-Planck-Straße 2
64807 Dieburg
Office: F16, 06
