Prof. Dr Werner Stork

Professor of Management, Organisation and
Human Resource Management.


Member of the Steering Committee of the dkmi.

Short profile

Werner Stork is Professor of Management and Organisation, in particular Human Resource Management
and Leadership at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da).
He is a member of the Steering Committee of the dkmi
(Digital Communication and Media Innovations) and Director at the Centre for
sustainable economic and corporate policy ( Stork advises and
accompanies companies and executives in challenging change and transformation processes, especially in the environment of digital transformation.
Career: Studied economics and business administration in Münster and Valdivia (Chile), doctorate (summa cum laude) at the Institute for Cooperative Management at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster, then 13 years of managerial work in the areas of HRM and marketing & sales; professor at the h_da since 2013.

about the person

  • Sustainable corporate governance, especially corporate learning
  • Corporate Health
  • Innovation, change and transformation management

2023 - 2025

DA_RuN: In a holistic learning and development process, the concepts are implemented in the partner organisations. The aim of the project is to promote the quality of work in organisations organisations and to open up new perspectives on organisational development.

2021 - 2024

Mindful university

Transfer and development project for the promotion of mindfulness and resilience
in university teaching - together with Prof. Dr. Lars Rademacher

Funding source: AOK Gesundheitskasse

Funding programme: Mindful universities


2018 - 2021

ALL in the digital transformation

Experimental Space Project on the Future of Work - together with Prof. Dr. Pia
Sue Helferich and Prof. Dr. Thomas Pleil

Funding source: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs ("Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales", BMAS)

Project executing agency: Gesellschaft für soziale Unternehmensberatung mbH (gsub)

Funding programme: Federal Programme for Sustainable Enterprises and Administrations in Digital Transformation ("EXP")


2018 – 2019

RODS II - Resilient organisation of studies

Research project on securing teacher success through resilience - together with
with Prof. Dr Silke Heimes

Source of funds: Central budget

Funding programme: Central Quality Assurance of Teaching ("Zentrale Qualitätssicherung der Lehre", ZQSL)


2016 – 2017

RODS I -Resilient organisation of studies

Mindfulness as a new dimension of competence in business studies

Source of funds: Central budget

Funding programme: Central Quality Assurance of Teaching ("Zentrale Qualitätssicherung der Lehre", ZQSL)


2010 - 2012

SALT 2.0 Sales Training with Web 2.0

Research and Transfer Project - together with Prof. Dr. Joachim Hasebrook

Funding source: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs ("Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales", BMAS)

Scientific management and advisory functions

Since 2013: Management and coordination of Resilient Organisation of Digital Work (RODA), research and transfer platform of the h_da on organisational resilience with more than ten partner companies / organisations.

Since 2018: Co-initiator and scientific advisor of the HR Energy Award for the energy, water and utility industry in D.A.CH.




Lecture "Organisational Resilience as a Design Approach for Sustainable Safe and Healthy Work", A+A, Oct. 2021.

Social Partner Day, November 2021.

Presentation with Jakob Bürkner: The promotion of resilience and curiosity via modern education and training: Zukunft Personal Reconnect, September 2021.



Seminar "Resilience and Curiosity - The unbeatable double for innovative and "grandchild-friendly" companies", INQA, December 2020.


SUMMIT Tour - Science meets practice, 24.11.2020.

Lecture: Agile personnel development in times of digital change


BMAS Future Conference: Crisis Resilience instead of Crisis Frustration, 09.11.2020

Lecture: How can companies promote organisational resilience?

Function: Speaker and participant in panel discussion together with Prof. Dr. Anke Kopsch



Presentation at the practical workshop - Learning supportive work design in the service sector - the role of managers, 06.03.2019.


Interviews and thematic contributions



Interview with NordHandwerk: The future can only succeed with innovators." As poly-crises and transformation processes become the new normal, new instruments of business management are needed. A conversation with Prof. Stork about resilience, curiosity, agility, and the shortcomings of classical business administration.


ganisational Resilience - A Contribution from an Organisational Science Perspective. In: sicher ist sicher, Fachzeitschrift für Sicherheitstechnik, Gesundheitsschutz und menschengerechte Arbeitsgestaltung, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, November 2021.

Two-part article with M. Grund: Organisational resilience in sicher ist sicher, Jul and Sep 2021


"From silent heroes to influencers", energiekarierre, Aug 2021


Contribution to the thematic issue Sustainability and Digitalisation (Mittelstand 4.0 - Kompetenzzentrum Kommunikation) - Serenity and Courage - Resilience as a Success Factor for a Sustainable Digital Transformation, 2021.


Contribution on the topic of resilience - What makes companies crisis-proof? Business Dialogues IHK
South Hesse, April 2021.

Economic Dialogues, February 2021.



Organisational resilience - core competence for companies in a volatile market environment. Format name: INQA seminar series - in webinar format, 09.12.2020.

Pausing and finding space - mindfulness training at the h_da. Project report in campus_d, issue 24, winter 2019/2020.


Robots can't do everything - How digitalisation is changing the labour market in Southern Hesse / h_da Professor Werner Stork on the jobs of the future. Article in Wirtschaft Südhessen, 29.01.2019.


Interview - "Sexy jobs in the skilled trades". Article in Wirtschaftsecho, June 2019.


Advisory activities


Member of the jury and assessor for the HR ENERGY AWARD on 17 and 18 September 2020.


Member of the jury and assessor for the Hans Perczynski Award (Banking Education) on 6 and 7 February 2020.



Joint project management in the third-party funded project "ALL in the digital transformation" (BMAS). Various workshops and lectures were held as part of the project and a podcast was initiated.


15th Human Resources Forum Energy: Digital.Agile.Innovative, 17 and 18 September 2020. Function: Scientific advisor, participant panel discussion, lecturer.


5. Wirtschaftsforum der Hochschule Darmstadt 2020 - Smart Region - die digitale Transformation in der Region gestalten, 30.01.2020.


Organisation and management of the forum: Prof. Dr Werner Stork together with Prof. Dr Anke Kopsch and students from the Department of Economics.



4th Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences Business Forum 2019 - Smart Region - shaping the digital transformation in the region, 19.01.2019. Organisation and chair of the forum: Prof. Dr. Werner Stork.



"Kick-Off" workshop with all project partners of the third-party funded project BMAS - ALLE im
digitalen Wandel: Landkreis Darmstadt-Dieburg, Merck KGaA, Fink & Fuchs AG, Vitronic Dr.-Ing. Stein Bildverarbeitungssysteme GmbH, AG, Kunzler Service GmbH. Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, 28.05.2018.


Prizes and awards


HR Energy Award 2019 - The competition for HR transformation in the energy industry, 12.09.2019.


Stork, W.; Rademacher, L.; Aatz, H.; Grund, M.: Achtsamkeit und Resilienz in der Hochschullehre -.
Study results and concepts at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. In: Psychology in Austria, Issue 1, 2022.

Stork, W.; Schuster, A.; Kopsch, A.; Grund, M.: 15 Rezeptideen für eine gesunde Unternehmensentwicklung im 21. Jahrhundert, monograph published by Opus 4, in 2022.



Stork, W.; Grund, M.: Organisational Resilienz - Ein Beitrag aus organisationswissenschaftlicher Sicht, in: sicher ist sicher, Journal for Safety Engineering, Health Protection and Humane Work Design, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, November 2021.

Schuster, A.; Stork, W.: Gesellschaftliche Resilienz und Neugier in VUCA-Welten, published as ZNWU-Diskussionspapier Nr. 8, publisher: Zentrum für Nachhaltige Wirtschaft- und
Corporate Policy (ZNWU), Department of Economics, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, 2021.



Stork, W.; Klimek, A..: Transformation Coaching und Generative Coaching - Neue Dimensionen der Coachingkultur von Organisationen in der digitalen Arbeitswelt, 10 pp. In: Coaching im digitalen Wandel, Robert Wegener et. al. (eds.) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2020.

Stork, W.; Helferich, P. S. & Pleil, T.: Employees in the digital transformation - opportunities for work-integrated informal learning, pp. 35 - 70. In G. Richter (ed.), Learning in the digital transformation.
Transformation How work-integrated learning succeeds in company practice. Schäffer-Poeschel, 2020.

Stork, W.; Heimes, S.; Aatz, H.; Boll, J.: Stress Reducing and Resilience Promoting Measures in the
Study - Results and findings in connection with the RODS II study at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. 15 pp. Discussion Paper of the znwu (h_da, FB W), November 2020.

Stork, W.; Laser, K.: Gelassenheit und Mut - Resilienz als Erfolgsfaktor einer nachhaltigen digitalen Transformation, 2 pp. In: Nachhaltigkeit - Themenheft Mittelstand-Digital, BMWI Hrsg.), April 2020.



Minge, B.; Stork, W.; Janß, D.: Fallstudie & Feldtest: "Intelligentes Verkehrsmanagement" in Darmstadt. Proceedings of 13th ITS European Congress, Brainport, the Netherlands, 3.-6. Juni 2019. 8 pages.

Stork, W.; Pilz, I.; Grund, M.: The effectiveness of stress-reducing and resilience-promoting
measures during studies. Results and deductions based on a pilot study at the Faculty of Economics at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. 28 pp. Discussion paper, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, published in 2019.

Landwehr-Zloch, S.; Stork, W.: Digital Transformation. From Industry 4.0 to Economy and Society 4.0. In: Conference Proceedings of the Schader Foundation Symposium "The Practice of Social Sciences" Published in 2019. pp. 132-143.



Stork, W.: The economic significance of stress. In: Stress Medicine. 2nd updated and
expanded edition. 20 pp. Eds: Haurand, Ullrich, Weniger. Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft 2015. Published in 2018.

Kopsch, A.; Klimek, A.; Stork, W.: Coaching culture as a success factor for entrepreneurial
competitiveness. 2 pp. Published in Karriere + Energiewende in 2018.

Stork, W.; Aatz, H.: Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). In: Stress Medicine. 2nd updated and
expanded edition. 4 pp. Eds: Haurand, Ullrich, Weniger. Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft 2015. Published in 2018.

Stork, W.; Aatz, H.: Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). In: Stress Medicine. 2nd updated and
expanded edition. 4 pp. Eds: Haurand, Ullrich, Weniger. Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft 2015. Published in 2018.

Stork, W.; Schmidt, O.: Personal development. In: Stress Medicine. 2nd updated and expanded
edition. 9 pp. Eds: Haurand, Ullrich, Weniger. Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft 2015.
Published in 2018.



Stork, W.: Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung von Stress, in: Haurand/Ullrich/ Weniger (eds.),
Stressmedizin: Beratung, Vorbeugung, Behandlung, Berlin, 2014.



Stork, W.: Kernelemente eines modernen betrieblichen Weiterbildungs-Managements, in: die
Wirtschaftsprüfung, No. 20/2001, Düsseldorf, 2001.



Stork, W.: Die Organisation der betrieblichen Weiterbildung (Dissertation), Wiesbaden, 1999.


Prof. Dr. Werner Stork

Communication Holzhofallee 36b
64807 Darmstadt
Office: D22, 1.017
