Prof. Dr. habil. Katrin Doeveling

Professor of Communication Studies,
Media Communication,

Digitalisation, Media Psychology, Media Sociology,
Emotion Research

Short profile

Katrin Döveling, Dr. phil. habil., professor at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, emotion
researcher, communication and media scientist, sociologist, psychologist, researches on emotions and opinion formation in and through social media, mediatisation tendencies in digital society, on the
influence of social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram on the emotional world of users, as well as on the consequences of social media use on one's own body images and self-perception, especially among young adults.

about the person

  • Emotion research, emotions and digital cultures in crisis situations (micro, meso, macro)

  • Media and emotions. From empathy to cyber bullying

  • Emotional communication (including grief and experiences of loss in social media)

  • Influence of mediatised communication on emotions

  • Smart Home. Changing communication in everyday life (incl. private and professional)

  • Voice assistants and reality mapping in a media-technologised society

  • Global mediatisation through digitalisation

Interviews, articles, lectures, seminars with research relevance:

DSDS wird 20 Jahre alt Skandale, Superstars und schräge Teilnehmer – ein Rückblick.  Interview via dpa, October 2022.

Mourning and commemoration after loss experiences. Emotion regulation in the social media,
Conference: Assistance for Victims of Crime; Office of the Federal Government Commissioner for the Concerns of Victims of Terrorist and Extremist Attacks in Germany, Federal Ministry of Justice , 12 - 14. 9. 2022 , Bad  Neuenahr-Ahrweiler.

Digital Affect Cultures. Interdisciplinary Approaches. Relevance, Potentials & Perspectives, Lunch Talk, ScienceWednesday: Department of Media, H-DA, 22.6.2022

TV interview on the topic: Cosmetic OPs for everyone: What if everyone could look the way they want? | Purely hypothetical, ALEXBerlin, Youtube-Channel, January 2021.

Digital Society(ies) International Winter University 21/22.As part of the Winter University Programme 2022, there is the opportunity to take the seminar "Digital Society(ies)" and to learn and collaborate with international students.

Interview about the change in entertainment needs. SUMO, Issue 37, October 2021

SUMO “Reality TV and the fascination of foreign shame. An article by Paul Jelenik in SUMO, 10/21

The topic of death on the net, in the ARD /rbb culture podcast

Prof. Dr. Katrin Döveling in the ARD Podcast/rbb Kultur: About death, mourning, mourning culture on the net. "We are all going to die - so let's finally start to deal with death in a relaxed way.

Prof. Dr. habil. Döveling on emotions and appreciation. Lecture on Emotions and Appreciation at the Participatory Budgeting Network, organised by the Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb & Participatory Budgeting Network, 5 Oct 2021.

Interview in "Der Kurier" about beauty ideals and the "digital corset": (by Julia Pfligl 29.08.2021)

ZEIT interview (ZEIT Foundation): Zeitgeister podcast with Prof. Dr. Katrin Döveling. Listen directly at ZEIT-Stiftung: Zeitgeister #12 "During the election campaign, Saddam Hussein used Whitney Houston's song as a campaign anthem.

ecture at Digitaltag 2021: "The digital self revisited. From self-representation to
self-reflection (?), 18 June 2021.

Interview on the influence of social media on emotions and psyche, "You want to be the same yourself", Pluspunkt - Das Magazin für Sicherheit und Gesundheit in der Schule, April 2021.

Lecture "Be yourself? From Self-Expression to Digital Detox. Social media in the everyday life of young adults". Third Research plus online, 1 March 2021.

Article in the FAZ about emotions, digitalisation and the pandemic "Katrin Döveling
researches emotions. The trigger for her work was the mourning for Lady Dia. Now the professor is investigating consequences of the pandemic for emotional life." FAZ 09.February 2021.

Even ten years after her death, Diana, Princess of Wales, lives on with her German fans. Especially now on the tenth anniversary of her death. Lady Di - an eternal myth? Interview in DW, Deutsche Welle, 2007.

Organisation and chairing of the conference Global Mediatization Research and Technolgy in the Digital Age

In 27 lectures, 2 international keynote speeches (Prof. Stig Hjarvard and Prof. Friedrich Krotz), a top-class panel and a poster session, colleagues from, among others, the USA, Scandinavia, England, the Russian Federation, Poland, Portugal, Pakistan, Austria, Germany, China and Australia, the Department of Business Administration (WiWi) and the Department of Media and Communication presented their work. from the USA, Scandinavia, England, the Russian Federation, Poland, Portugal, Pakistan, Austria, Germany, China and Australia, the Department of Business Administration (WiWi), the Department of Media and Communication Studies (KuWi), the AAU Department of Computer Science Systems (TeWi), the Department of Science and Technology Studies (TeWi) presented the
latest findings on questions of digital affect cultures in the digital age
CSR and mediatised work-life balance, terrorism and media, human-computer interaction,
transnationality of mediatisation, mediatisation of the doctor-patient relationship, etc., thus
highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of this urgently needed field of research.


Memberships and activities in academic associations:

  • International Communication Association (ICA), ICA Division-Member: Mass Communication
    Division, Popular Communication Division, Visual Studies Division
  • International Society for Research on Emotions (ISRE)
  • European Sociological Association (ESA)
  • International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA)
  • Sociologists for Women in Sociology (SWS)
  • International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR)
  • Emotions Research Network (ERN)
  • German Society for Journalism and Communication (DGPuK)
  • Division-Member of the German Society for Journalism and Communication (DGPuK): Reception and Effects Research, Sociology of Media Communication, Visual Communication, Media - Public - Gender.
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPS): Division Member Medienpsychologie
  • Deutscher Hochschulverband (DHV)
  • TU Dresden Geschlechterforschung
  • Death Online Research


Aktivitäten in akademischen Vereinigungen und Veröffentlichungen:

Gutachterin für:

  • Human Communication Research, International Communication Association (ICA), Wiley-Blackwell
  • Journal of Pragmatics, Elsevier
  • Publizistik, VS Verlag
  • Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft,Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
  • International Communication Association (ICA): Mass Communication Division, Popular
    Communication Division, since 2006
  • DGPuK Annual Conferences: Visual Communication Division, Sociology of Media Communication, Visual Communication Division, Sociology of Mass Communication, Section Reception Studies
  • Vorsitzende und Beauftragte für die ICA, Conference seit 2007: Division Mass Communication,
    Division Visual Communication, Division Popular Communication


Döveling, K. Sommer, D., Suter, L. (2023). Mediatization and Entertainment, in: Nicholas David
Bowman (Ed.), Handbook Entertainment Media and Communication, Handbooks of Communication Science, De Gruyter Mouton: Berlin.


Döveling, K. Seyfert, R. (in press, 2022). Digital Affect Cultures. Social media as affective
Intensity Media, Harrassowitz Verlag: Wiesbaden.


Döveling, K. , Konijn , E.A. (2021): Emotions and the media: Interdisciplinary perspectives. In K.
Döveling & E. A. Konijn (Ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Emotions and Media. (3-16). London: Routledge.

Bowman, N, D., Cohen, E., Döveling, K. (2021). Emotion and digital media: Emotion regulation in
interactive, on-demand, and networked media. In K. Döveling & E. A. Konijn (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Emotions and Media. London: Routledge.

Döveling, Katrin, Sommer, Denise (in print, 2021). Mediatized emotions and globalization.
Interdisciplinary perspectives. In Gesine Lenore Schiewer, Jeanette Altarriba and Bee Chin Ng (Ed.). Handbook on Language and Emotion, Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK), De Gruyter Mouton: Berlin.


Döveling, Harju, Sommer: From mediatized emotion to digital affect cultures: New technologies
and global flows of emotion. In: Social Media and Society. Znewspaper or magazine articles.
Published by the journal Sagepub in 2018.

Döveling, Giaxoglou: Mediatization of emotion on social media: forms and norms. In: Social Media
and Society. newspaper or magazine articles. Published by the journal Sagepub in 2018.

Döveling, Knorr: Media Logic as Transaction Logic. An integrative perspective. In: Media logic(s)
Revisited. Pp 133 – 156. Newspaper or journal article. Published by Springer Link in 2018.


Döveling, Katrin (2017). Images and emotions. In. Katharina Lobinger (Ed.): Handbuch VisuelleKommunikationsforschung, VS/Springer: New York. online.

Sommer, Denise, Döveling Katrin (2017). Hugo Münsterberg – A Pioneer in research on emotional film reception. An Analysis of his legacy in use today, ed. by Rüdiger Steinmetz, Leipziger

Döveling: Online Emotion Regulation in Digitally Mediated Bereavement. Why Age and Kind of
Loss Matter in Grieving Online. In: Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. Pp 41 – 57. Newspaper or magazine articles published in 2017.

Giaxoglou, Döveling, Pitsillides: Networked Emotions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sharing
Loss Online. In: Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. Pp 1 – 10. Newspaper or
Magazine articles published by tandfonline in 2017.


Prof. Dr. Katrin Döveling

Communication Haardtring 100
64295 Darmstadt
Office: A12, 3.04
