Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmunk

Professor of Information Science and
Digital Library

Dean of the Department of Media

Representative for research data management

Short profile

Stefan Schmunk is Professor of Information Science and Digital Library at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (h_da). He teaches and conducts research in the areas of information science, digital
library, digital humanities and digital research data, and research data management. One of his main topics is digital data in the cultural sciences and humanities.

about the person

  • Methods and procedures of cultural asset digitization
  • Research Data Management
  • Research data in the digital humanities
  • Digital transformation of libraries
  • Research Data Infrastructures

2023 - 2027

NFDI4Memory, TA4 Data Literacy

Sponsor: DFG

Funding area: Digitisation of historical research data


2022 - 2025

Joint project: Applied research data management for the health and
care-related sciences - GesundFDM; Subproject: Competence building

Funding Organisation: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)


2022 - 2023

Joint project: Visibility, acceptance and use of data management plans for UAS and HAWs - SAN-DMP; Subproject: Economy, companies, students, library

Sponsor: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)


2021 - 2026

Joint project: Text+ NFDI as a participant in the Editions data domain

Sponsor: German Research Foundation (DFG)


2021 - 2024

Greeting and Kiss - Letters digitally. Citizens receive love letters. Subproject: Love Coding App

Sponsor: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Funding program: Technology and Innovation Funding

Funding area: Structural cross-sectional activities, digitization of the love letter archive


2021 - 2024

Hessian Research Data Infrastructure II

Funding body: Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts (HMWK).

Funding Program: Innovation and structural development budget

Funding area: At all Hessian colleges and universities


2016 - 2020

Hessian Research Data Infrastructure

Funding body: Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts (HMWK)

Funding program: Innovation and structural development budget

Funding area: All Hessian colleges and universities


2017 - 2019

DARIAH ERIC Sustainability Refined - Digital Research Infrastructure for Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) became European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC)

Sponsor: European Commission (EC)

Funding Program: European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC)

Funding area: Digital Transformation in Arts and Humanities Research


2017 - 2019

ARCHITRAVE - Art and Architecture in Paris and Versailles as Reflected in German Travelogues of the Baroque Period

Funding Organisation: German Research Foundation (DFG)

Funding Program: DFG-Subject Grants

Funding area: Art history, information systems, process and knowledge management


DARIAH-DE III - Joint project: Transfer of digital research infrastructures for the e-Humanities into the operational phase.

Subproject: Establishment of a coordination office and consortium management

Sponsor: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Funding Program: Research and Development for Services of General Interest

Funding area: Humanities research - Project funding


2015 - 2018

Collaborative project - eLabour - Interdisciplinary center for IT-based qualitative sociological research on work. Subproject: virtual research environment and data models.

Sponsor: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Funding Program: Research and Development on Services of General Interest.

Funding area: Research in the humanities - project funding.


2015 - 2017

Humanities at Scale: Evolving the DARIAH-ERIC

Sponsor: European Commission (EC)

Funding Program: Developing new world-class research infrastructures

Funding Area: Connecting the National Services in Digital Arts and Humanities Initiatives in Europe.

Further projects

Review activities and memberships in scientific committees


  • Member of the board of directors of Geistes- und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungsinfrastrukturen e.V.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Norddeutscher Verbund für Hoch- und
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Herder Institute for Historical
    East Central European Research - Institute of the Leibniz Association
  • Member "Library Theory and Research Section of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
  • Chair of Section 7 "KIBA - Conference of Information and Library Science Study and Training Courses" of the German Library Association e.V. (2019-2022).
  • Member of the program committee of the DHd annual conference (2017-2021)
  • Member of the Management Committee of the COST Action IS1310 "Reassembling the Republic of
    Letters, 1500-1800. A digital framework for multi-lateral collaboration on Europe's intellectual
    history" (2015-2018)


Reviewer activities:

  • DHd annual conferences (reviewers 2014 - 2024)
  • International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA): 2019 - 2027
  • Geistes- und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungsinfrastrukturen e.V. - Assessor on the board since 2022
  •  Foundation for Innovation in University Teaching, Freiraum - reviewer 2023
  • National High Performance Computing NHR@ZIB/Göttingen - Since 2022
  • Member of the Scientific Committee
  • Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities 2023
  • DAAD
  • Digital Humanities Conference (since 2015 - 2023)
  • International Symposium of Information Science (ISI) (2020 - 2023)
  • Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Institute of the Leibniz Association - since 2021
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board
  • Karl Popper Doctoral and Research College, University of Klagenfurt/Austria
  • SciDataCon (2015-2019)
  • Journal "Education for Information"
  • Journal "International Journal on Digital Libraries"
  • Journal: "ZIN - Information Studies", Warsaw/Poland
  • Lectures and workshops in selection

  • Source-less times? The transformative power of digital research infrastructures. Conference "Digital Transformation in Science Communication. Challenges for Research and
    Presentation of the History of Eastern Europe". Herder Institute Marburg, Nov. 12, 2021.
  • Interplay of research and service: digital research infrastructures and
    research data management at HAWen. HAWtech conference "Digital transformation processes at universities of applied sciences - together innovative and sustainable". Darmstadt, 22.09.2021.
  • Keynote presentation Training and Qualification. Workshop: Science-led
    Research data management in the NFDI. Generic and specific perspectives using the example of cross-cutting topics in the humanities. FORGE 2021. Cologne, 08.09.2021.
  • Current developments on Open Access in Germany. German Jordanian Discourse Series - A
    Transnational education (TNE) Activity.
    Scientific Debate: Open Access Publications. German
    Jordanian University. Amman - Jordan, 05.08.2021.
  • Digitality in Historical Studies - Source Criticism and Source Interpretation in the Digital. Lecture series University of Mainz/FH Mainz "Digital Methodology in the Humanities and
    Cultural Studies. Mainz, 07.07.2021.
  • Requirements and needs for digital research infrastructures in the humanities. Final conference of the CAS course Data Management and Information Technologies.
    Zentralbibliothek Zürich, 05.05.2021.
  • International Research in LIS. Workshop of the Library Theory and Research Section IFLA. Online, 05/26/2021.
  • NFDI and state initiatives - current processes: Added value and support opportunities through coordinated research data infrastructures. HeFDI Plenary 2020. Marburg, 12/17/2020.
  • Information Science in Teaching and Research, with Frauke Schade and Günther
    Neher. Conference Information Science Research in an Institutional Context.
    Hochschulverband Informationswissenschaft, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 03.02.2020.
  • Building an infrastructure for generating, indexing, storing and long-term
    archiving of research data. Symposium on Scientific and Media Documentation (WissDok) 2019, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Dieburg, 06.11.2019.
  • Bomber's Baedeker from the Perspective of Historical Sciences and Digital Humanities together with Thorsten Wübbena. Workshop "Digital Edition Bomber's Baedeker (1944)," Leibniz Institute for European History, Mainz, 15.10.2019.
  • Open Science & Citizen Science in Educational Research. Workshop of the LIS Working Group,
    Leibniz Institute for Educational Research and Information, Frankfurt/Mainz, 19.06.2019.
  • Digital Transformation of Science and Research - New Tasks and New
    Requirements for Academic Libraries. Hochschulbibliothekszentrum
    Nordrhein-Westfalen (HBZ), Verbundkonferenz 2019, Cologne, 29.03.2019.
  • Embedded data stewardship: A community-driven agile self-assessment framework for monitoring and improving the quaity of research data management. 14th International Digital Curation
    Conference: "Collaborations and Partnerships: addressing the big digital challenges together.

    Poster presentation together with Heike Neuroth, Laura Rothfitz, Andrea Rapp & Torsten Schrade. Melbourne University, 04-07 Feb 2019.
  • The digital disruption of education and research. ScienceWednesday. Institute for Communication and Media (ikum) of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Dieburg, 05.12.2018.
  • All Google or what? Which requirements from science libraries should prepare for today. Bibliotheksleitertag 2018. future topics from practice for practice,
    Mannheim, 28.11.2018.
  • No libraries 2030? - Development Perspectives and Disruptive Factors in Libraries, Workshop "Agile Working, Agile Leading - Pragmatic Approaches for the New (Library)
    Working World. Initiative Fortbildung für wissenschaftliche Spezialbibliotheken und verwandten Einrichtungen e.V., Dießen am Ammersee, 13.07.2018.
  • Developments and trends in the Library landscape in Germany and their impact on LIS, Workshop University of Applied Sciences and St. Petersburg University of Culture, Library and Information
    Science, Dieburg, 08.05.2018.
  • Humanities and Cultural Studies Research Data, co-authored with Beata Mache.
    EDIROM-Summerschool 2017, Paderborn, 20.09.2017.
  • Strategy on national sustainability: DARIAH-DE, with Mirjam Blümm and Wolfram
    Sustainability of Digital Research Infrastructures for the Arts and Humanities.
    DARIAH-EU Annual Event, Berlin, 26/27 April 2017.
  • New tasks, new roles: Libraries in the tension between Digital Humanities, Research Data and
    Research Infrastructures.
    Innovative Library in Digital Era (ILIDE), Jasna/Slovakia, 03.04.2017.
  • Research-oriented modeling and correlation of data in the federation architecture of DARIAH-DE. DHd Conference, Bern, 13-18.02.2017.
  • DARIAH-DE - A service and tool oriented federation architecture for distributed data and collections. SciDataCon 2016. session: Research Data in the Arts and Humanities - Requirements, Needs, and Perspectives of Research Data and Research Infrastructures in the Digital Humanities, Denver/Colorado, 11-13.09.2016.
  • Vision of an architecture and core processes for the sociological eScience Center eLabour,
    together with Claudia Niederee (L3S) and Philipp Wieder (GWDG). Conference eLabour (SoFI),
    Göttingen, 05./06.09.2016.
  • DARIAH-DE III and the Scientific Collections Stakeholder Panel, together with
    Sibylle Söring. Scientific Collections Conference, Göttingen, 23.08.2016.
  • Research infrastructures and tools - DARIAH-DE: an overview. Conference Humanities Research Infrastructures and CIDOC CRM Annotation, Darmstadt, 25/26.07.2016.
  • Repository-Solutions for research data in the Arts and Humanities. DH Conference 2016, Krakow, 11-16.07.2016.
  • A research data federation architecture for research data in the arts and humanities. DHd Conference 2016, Leipzig, 07.-11.04.2016.
  • Digital Research Data in the Humanities.Workshop Research Data
    (Herder Institute & DARIAH-DE), Marburg, 30.11.2015.
  • DARIAH-DE - Digital Research Infrastructures for the Humanities and Cultural Studies and the Virtual Research Environment TextGrid, together with Mirjam Blümm. Workshop Digitales
    Enabling Work in the Humanities! (DINI e.V. & DARIAH-DE / TextGrid), Göttingen, 28-29.09.2015.
  • Handling digital resources and research data, together with Fotis Jannidis. IEG working meeting "DARIAH and Leibniz", Mainz, 21.07.2015.
  • From research data types to services, together with Heike Neuroth. RDA 7th Plenary, San Diego, USA, 09-13.03.2015.
  • The Use of Humanities and Cultural Studies Research Data - The DARIAH-DE
    Repository. Part of the section: Andorfer, Peter / Puhl, Johanna / Schmunk, Stefan: Research Data in Theory and Practice. The DARIAH-DE Repository and the DARIAH-DE Collection Registry, Graz, 23-27.02.2015.
  • The Knowledge of Images. Spielarten des digitalen Annotierenens, with Harald Lordick and
    Sibylle Söring, DHd Association Conference "Von Daten zu Erkenntnisse: Digital
    Humanities as Mediators between Information and Interpretation," Austrian Center for
    Digital Humanities, Graz, February 25-27, 2015.
  • Research data for digital research: requirements, needs and technical
    prerequisites for archives, APEx colloquium "Access digital: Use and network",
    Bundesarchiv Koblenz, 25.11.2014.
  • Das TextGrid- & DARIAH-DE-Repositorium - Referenzierung und Publikation von geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschungsdaten, 8. Deutscher Archäologiekongress 2014, Sektion DAI/IANUS: Wohin mit meinen Daten?, Berlin, 08.10.2014.
  • Sharing digital arts and humanities knowledge: Researchers Needs, Workshop DARIAH as an open space for dialogue, Digital Humanities 2014, Lausanne, 08.07.2014.
  • Federally Organized Components of a Digital Research Infrastructure for the Humanities, DARIAH-DE / CLARIN-D Technical Advisory Board, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities,
    Berlin, 11.04.2013.
  • DARIAH-DE - Teaching, Research, Research Data & Technical Infrastructure, Workshop eXChange: exploring Concept Change and Transfer in Antiquity. University of Leipzig, 20.03.2013.
  • Research Data in Space and Time. Europeana 4D Interface, together with Ralf Stockmann. Workshop "Semantic Web Applications in the Humanities,"
    Göttingen Center for Digital Humanities, 11/12/2012.
  • Metadata and metadata schemas in the historically working humanities - An introduction. Methodenworkshop Metadaten in der Geschichtswissenschaft, Leibniz-Institut für Europäische
    Geschichte Mainz, 24/25.09.2012.
  • "E-History," Conference "1914-1918 online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War," FU Berlin, 20.01.2012.
  • Standardization Processes in the European Research Area - the ESFRI Project DARIAH-EU, Workshop "Zeichen und ihre Visualisierung", together with Joachim Berger, Akademie der
    Wissenschaften und der Literatur, AG Elektronisches Publizieren, Mainz, 10.10.2011.


  • The economy of faith. The Protestant Church of Hesse/Nassau and the Leap into
    Modernity 1945-1980. Dissertation TU Darmstadt 2011.
    URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-31566;


Editorial activity

  • Editorial activity 2023: since 2013: "DARIAH-DE Working Papers", Göttingen, together with
    Mirjam Blümm (FH Köln), Thomas Kollatz (AdW Mainz) and Christof Schöch (Uni Trier).
  • since 2013: "DARIAH-DE Working Papers", Göttingen, together with Mirjam Blümm (Cologne University of Applied Sciences),
    Thomas Kollatz (AdW Mainz) and Christof Schöch (University of Trier).
  • Neuroth, Heike / Schmunk, Stefan / Blümm, Mirjam / Rapp, Andrea / Jannidis, Fotis / Wintergrün, Dirk / Schwardmann, Ulrich / Gietz, Peter (eds.): Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis. Special issue:
    Digitality in the humanities and cultural studies using the example of the digital research infrastructure DARIAH-DE. De Gruyter 07/2016.

Essays / Articles / Data publications

  • Schmunk, Stefan / Kläre, Christina / Söllner, Konstanze: Positionslichter Duales Studium -
    Drei Perspektiven für Bibliothekar:innen und Informationswissenschaftler:innen.
    In: O-Bib 2023 (in the editorial office)
    Editorial activity 2023: since 2013: "DARIAH-DE Working Papers", Göttingen, together with
    Mirjam Blümm (FH Köln), Thomas Kollatz
    (AdW Mainz) and Christof Schöch (Uni Trier).
  • Grundlagen der Informationswissenschaft, edited by Rainer Kuhlen, Dirk Lewandowski, Wolfgang Semar and Christa Womser-Hacker, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur, 2023, pp. 71-82 (book contribution).
  • Schmunk, Stefan / Blümm, Mirjam / Wuttke, Ulrike: Research Data Management. In: Heisig, Peter (ed.): Handbook on Information Sciences. Cheltenham 2023.
  • Schmunk, Stefan / Deicke, Aline: Digital source criticism. In: Antenhofer, Christina / Kühberger,
    Christoph / Strohmeyer, Arno (eds.): Digital Humanities in der Geschichtswissenschaft. Cologne 2023.
  • Schmunk, Stefan / Blümm, Mirjam / Burkart, Christine / Chlastak, Maria / Fritsch, Katharina / Neuroth, Heike / Schieberle, Andreas / Werner, Stephanie: Datenmanagementpläne an Fachhochschulen / Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften. An inventory and
    recommendations. Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft, Volume 77. Glückstadt 2023.
  • with Blümm, Mirjam / Burkhart, Christine / Chlastiak, Maria / Fritsch, Katharina / Neuroth, Heike / Schieberle, Andreas / Werner, Stephanie:
    Empfehlungen für die Einführung von Datenmanagementplänen an Hochschulen zur FAIRen (Nach-)Nutzung von Forschungsdaten. Heidelberg
    2023. DOI:
  • with Blümm, Mirjam / Burkart, Christine / Chlastak, Maria / Fritsch, Katharina / Neuroth, Heike / Schieberle, Andreas / Werner, Stephanie:
    Materials accompanying the publication: Mirjam Blümm et al., Datenmanagementpläne an Fachhochschulen / Hochschulen für Angewandte
    Wissenschaften. An inventory and recommendations. In Datenmanagementpläne an Fachhochschulen / Hochschulen für Angewandte
    Wissenschaften. An inventory and recommendations. Glückstadt 2023:
    Verlag Werner Hülsbusch.
  • with Neuroth, Heike / Kerzel, Martina: Die Kambrische Explosion der digitalen Geisteswissenschaften - TextGrid als Katalysator für die digitalen
    Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften. In: Computers in the Musenhain. Of dreaming books and the aura of the digital. Edited by Bartsch,
    Sabine / Borek, Luise / Hegel, Philipp. Festschriften der Technischen Universität Darmstadt 01. Darmstadt 2023, pp. 155-171. DOI:
  • with Blümm, Mirjam / Burkhart, Christine / Chlastiak, Maria / Fritsch, Katharina / Neuroth, Heike / Schieberle, Andreas / Werner, Stephanie:
    Empfehlungen für die Einführung von Datenmanagementplänen an Hochschulen zur FAIRen (Nach-) Nutzung von Forschungsdaten. Heidelberg
    2023. DOI: (poster publication).
  • Georgy, Ursula, Schade, Frauke and Schmunk, Stefan. "A 5 Training, studies and further education in information science". (2023)
  • with Blümm, Mirjam / Burkhart, Christine / Chlastiak, Maria / Fritsch, Katharina / Neuroth, Heike / Schieberle, Andreas / Werner, Stephanie: Wie steht es um die Sichtbarkeit, Akzeptanz und Nutzung von Datenmanagementplänen an Fachhochschulen? Qualitative research of the SAN-DMP project to improve digital data management. In: D. Demmler, D. Krupka, H. Federrath. (Eds.): INFORMATIK 2022, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2022,
    pp. 1354-1357. DOI:
  • with Blümm, Mirjam / Fritsch, Katharina / Neuroth, Heike: Visibility, acceptance and use of data management plans at UASs and HAWs in Germany - SAN-DMP. In: DUZ 2022.
  • with Georgy, Ursula / Schade, Frauke: A5: Training, studies and further education in
    information science. In: Kuhlen, Rainer / Lewandowski, Dirk / Semar, Wolfgang / Womser-Hacker, Christa (eds.): Fundamentals of Information Science. Berlin 2022.
  • with Blümm, Mirjam / Wuttke, Ulrike: Research Data Management. In: Heisig, Peter (ed.): Handbook on Information Sciences. Cheltenham 2022.
  • with Meier, Berthold: Challenges and perspectives for the Library Science field of study in the Information Science degree programs (BA and MA) at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. In Library, Research and Practice 3/2022
  • with Petras, Vivien: Hybrid Teaching in Information Science - Concepts and Best Practices for Post-pandemic Teaching Formats. In Information - Science & Practice. Berlin 2021.
  • with Bach, Felix / Secco, Cristian / Wübbena, Thorsten: Bomber's Baedeker - from text to image to data source. In: Fabrication of Knowledge - Experiments in the Digital Humanities. Edited by
    Manuel Burghardt, Lisa Dieckmann, Timo Steyer, Peer Trilcke, Niels Walkowski, Joëlle Weis, Ulrike Wuttke. Wolfenbüttel 2021 (= Journal for Digital Humanities / Special Volumes, 5). DOI:
  • with Bach, Felix / Secco, Cristian / Wübbena, Thorsten: The Bomber's Baedeker. A Guide to the
    Economic Importance of German Towns and Cities.
    In: Dataset from 26.07.2021.
  • with Schade, Frauke: The New Normal: Trapped in the Holodeck! Digital teaching in information
    science courses during the corona pandemic. In: Forum Library and
    Information (BUB). 6/2021, S.327-330.
  • with Neher, Günther / Schade, Frauke: Wanted!?!! - Professional requirements and needs of libraries and information institutions. Trend analysis 2013-2020. In: BIT-Online 1/2021,
    p. 64-73.
  • with Baum, Jonathan / Schieberle, Andreas: Analysis of the Information Science /
    Information Science (BA & MA) degree programs at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences on the effects of the Covid19 pandemic - student survey. Darmstadt 2021.
  • with Petras, Vivien: Digital Teaching in Information Science - From Pandemic-Related Necessity to Lessons Learned and Best Practices. In Information - Science & Practice.
    Berlin 2021. DOI:
  • with Neuroth, Heike / Wuttke, Ulrike / Petras, Vivien: Start of the new continuing education Master's program
    "Digital Data Management. In: Reussner, R. H., Koziolek, A. & Heinrich, R. (Eds.), INFORMATIK 2020. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2021, pp. 559-569. DOI:
  • with Deicke, Alina / Geiger, Jonathan D. / Lemaire, Marina: Digital Source Criticism: Source Criticism 1.1 or better 2.0? Blogpost 2020:
  • with Baum, Jonathan / Schieberle, Andreas: Short survey on the technical requirements of
    students in the Information Science /
    Information Science (BA & MA) degree programs at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. Darmstadt 2020.
  • with Wuttke, Ulrike / Lemaire, Marina / Schule, Stefan / et al: Barcamp Data Literacy:
    Teaching data literacy in the digital humanities. Göttingen 2020.
  • with Blümm, Mirjam / Friedrichs, Sonja / Gietz, Peter / Klaffki, Lisa / Thiel, Carsten: Dissemination strategy - report on the cooperation with professional societies and associations, as well as other stakeholders, awarding of the awards and organization of the DH travel grants. DARIAH-DE Working Papers No. 37. Göttingen 2019. URN:
  • with Müller, Friedrich: Importance and potential of geoinformation and its applications in the context of libraries and digital collections. In: Library Research and Practice 1/2019, p.21-34. DOI:
  • with Fischer, Frank / Blümm, Mirjam / Horstmann, Wolfram: Interoperable and Participatory. Digital research infrastructures in the humanities using the example of DARIAH-DE and DARIAH-EU. In: Digital infrastructures for German studies research. German Linguistics 2020, Festschrift for Prof. Dr. Ludwig M. Eichinger. Edited by Lobin, Henning / Schneider, Roman / Witt,
    Andreas. Berlin 2018, pp. 53-72. DOI:
  • with Klaffki, Lisa / Stäcker, Thomas: Status of the digitization of cultural assets in Germany. An analysis and proposals for action by the DARIAH-DE stakeholder committee 'Scientific Collections'. DARIAH-DE Working Papers No. 26. Göttingen 2018. URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:7-dariah-2018-1-3
  • with Buddenbohm, Stefan / Matoni, Markus / Thiel, Carsten: Quality Assessment for the Sustainable Provision of Software Components and Digital Research Infrastructures for the Arts and
    In: Library Research and Practice 2/2017, pp.231-241.
  • with Gradl, Tobias / Aschauer, Anna / Dogunke, Swantje / Klaffki, Lisa / Steyer, Timo: Collecting, modeling and searching data with DARIAH-DE. In: DHd 2017. digital sustainability. Bern 2017. 
  • with Blümm, Mirjam: Digital Research Infrastructures: DARIAH. In: Münster, Sander / Pfarr-Harfst, Mieke / Kuroczyński, Piotr / Ioannides, Yannis (eds.): 3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage II. Luxembourg / New York 2016, pp.62-76.
  • with Oltersdorf, Jenny: On research data and scientific collections. In: Neuroth,
    Heike / Schmunk, Stefan et al. (eds.): Library Research and Practice. Special issue: Digitality in the humanities and cultural sciences using the example of the digital research infrastructure DARIAH-DE. De Gruyter 07/2016. DOI:
  • with Neuroth, Heike / Blümm, Mirjam: DARIAH-DE: Architecture of Participation. In: Neuroth, Heike / Schmunk, Stefan et al. (eds.): Library Research and Practice. Special issue: Digitality in the
    humanities and cultural studies using the example of the digital research infrastructure DARIAH-DE. De Gruyter 07/2016. DOI:
  • with Funk, Stefan: DARIAH-DE and the TextGrid Repository: Persistent and referenceable long-term storage of research data in the humanities and
    cultural studies. In: Neuroth, Heike / Schmunk, Stefan et al. (eds.): Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis. Special issue: Digitality in the humanities and cultural sciences using the example of the digital research infrastructure DARIAH-DE. De Gruyter 07/2016. DOI:
  • with Vanscheidt, Philipp / Rapp, Andrea / Schmid, Oliver / Kollatz, Thomas: TextGrid and DARIAH-DE: Research environment and infrastructure for the humanities. Leipzig 2016, p.32-43.
  • with Blümm, Mirjam / Horstmann, Wolfram / Hütter, Heiko / Gietz, Peter: Governance structures of the DARIAH-DE research network. Transferring project structures into a sustainable
    organization. In: ABI Technik. Journal for automation, construction and technology in the archive, library and information sector. Thematic issue Governance of information infrastructures. De Gruyter 1/2016. DOI:
  • with Puhl, Johanna / Stiller, Juliane / et al: Discussion and Definition of a Research Data LifeCycle for the Digital Humanities. In: DARIAH-DE Working Papers 11/2015. Göttingen 2015. URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:7-dariah-2015-4-4
  • with Reiche, Ruth / Schöch, Christof and others: Use of digital humanities methods in the humanities and cultural studies. In: DARIAH-DE Working Papers 4/2014. Göttingen 2014.
  • with Funk, Stefan E.: The TextGrid & DARIAH-DE Repository. Referencing and publication of humanities research data. 8th German Archaeology Congress, Berlin 2014.
  • with Chambers, Sally / Blümm, Mirjam: Sharing digital arts and humanities knowledge: DARIAH an open space for dialogue. Concept for the DH 2014 in Lausanne. Göttingen 2014. 
  • DARIAH-DE - Building research infrastructures for the e-Humanities. Pre-Conference on March 25/26, 2014 as part of the DHd Conference 2014 in Passau.
  • with Bogs, Holger / Stippack, Marcus: Wolfgang Sucker - the draft of an ecumenical
    image of Europe. In: Dingel, Irene / Duchhardt, Heinz (eds.): Die europäische Integration und die
    Kirchen II. Thinkers and lateral thinkers. Göttingen 2012, pp.153-164.
  • From gliding to the air force. The "Euler Airfield" between 1930 and 1945. In: Göller, Andreas / Holtmann, Annegret (eds.): Der August-Euler Flugplatz: Ein Jahrhundert Luftfahrtgeschichte
    zwischen Tradition, Forschung und Landschaftspflege. Darmstadt 2008.
  • German War Photography in the First World War. Prerequisites - Practice - Analysis. In: Schneider, Ute / Lange, Thomas (eds.): Kriegsalltage. Darmstadt and the Technical University in the First
    World War. Darmstadt 2002, pp. 357-386.


Further publications

dkmi member

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmunk

Communication Max-Planck-Straße 2
64807 Dieburg
Office: F01, 215
