Prof. Dr. Pia Sue Helferich

Short profile

Pia Sue Helferich is a professor for online communication, especially organisational communication. She has worked in various projects and companies on the topics of online communication, public relations and adult education, both in the private and public sector.

In the eBusiness-Lotse project and the Mittelstand 4.0-Agentur Kommunikation, she advised more than 400 companies on web and social media strategies for the BMWi, among others. Other focal points of her work are lifelong learning and media didactics.


about the person

Research focus

Online communication, social media, informal learning, digitalisation, lifelong learning,
Organisational communication

2022 - 2025

SME 4.0 - Digital Centre Future Culture
Funding source: Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection
Funding programme: Mittelstand Digital

2018 - 2022

SME 4.0- Competence Centre Communication
Sub-project: Corporate communication
Funding Organisation: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy /
Project Management Agency: German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Funding programme: ICT applications in the economy,
Funding area: SME 4.0 - Competence Centres

2018 - 2021

ALL in the digital transformation
Funded by: Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Project executing agency: Gesellschaft für soziale Unternehmensberatung
mbH (gsub)
Funding programme: Federal Programme for Sustainable Enterprises
and administrations in the digital transformation (EXP)

2015 - 2018

Mittelstand 4.0- Agency Communication
Sub-project: Service-oriented online marketing
Funding Organisation: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Project executing agency: German Aerospace Center e.V. (DLR)
Funding programme: Mittelstand 4.0

2012 - 2015

The eBusiness-Lotse Darmstadt-Dieburg - a Competence Centre for Social Media and E-Learning
Funding Organisation: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Project executing agency: German Aerospace Center (DLR)



  • Networked Campaigning. Mobilizing in the age of transformation, BledCom 27th International
    Public Relations Research Symposium, Bled in Slowenien, Juli 2020


  • Agile model of communication testing (with Thomas Pleil), Wissbar19, September 2019
  • Maturity model of digital communication (with Thomas Pleil), Wissbar19, September 2019
  • Networked Campaigning: Mobilisation Campaigns under the Conditions of the Great Transformation (with Thomas Pleil and Lars Rademacher).
  • 3rd Annual Conference of the Critical Communication Studies Network, Leipzig, November 2019
  • PR in and for Society: Transformative and Empowering? (with Sandra Müller). 3rd Annual Conference of the Critical Communication Studies Network, Leipzig, November 2019.
  • Workshops and lectures as part of the roadshow of the Mittelstand 4.0- Kompetenzzentrum Kommunikation, 2019


  • Events and lectures as part of the third-party funded project Mittelstand 4.0-Agentur Kommunikation


  • EUPRERA Konferenz, Juli 2017: Grounded Theory Methodology in Public Relations and Strategic Communication Research: A Meta Study
  • Putting Communication Students on thhe Drivers‘ Seat – Methods for Informal Learning in PR Teaching
  • Events and lectures as part of the third-party funded project Mittelstand 4.0-Agentur Kommunikation

Organization of events

2018 - 2021

  • Content Strategy Camp, organised by Mittelstand 4.0- Competence Centre Communication
    always in September of a year


  • Wissbar19 - Science Barcamp of the Research Centre Digital Communication and Media Innovation, April 2019


  • Content Strategy Camp, hosted by Mittelstand 4.0- Agentur Kommunikation, September 2017


Helferich, P. S; Pleil, T.: Social Networks in Employee Communication. In: S. Einwiller et al. (eds.), Handbuch Mitarbeiterkommunikation, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2020 (in preparation).

Pleil, T.; Helferich, P. S.: Strategieentwicklung mit dem Triple-Diamond-Modell, in: Ruisinger, Dominik: Die digitale Kommunikationsstrategie, pp. 160-170, 2nd edition, Stuttgart: Schäffer Poeschel, 2020.

Pleil, T.; Helferich, P. S.: The Role of Corporate Communication in the Digital Transformation. In: Zerfaß, A.; Piwinger, M.; Röttger. U.: Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation, Verlag Springer Gabler, 2020.

Stork, W.; Helferich, P. S. & Pleil, T.: Employees in the digital transformation.
Transformation - Opportunities for work-integrated informal learning, pp. 35 - 70. In G. Richter (ed.), Learning in the digital transformation How work-integrated learning succeeds in company practice. Schäffer-Poeschel, 2020.


Helferich, P. S.: Pleil, T.: Lifelong learning in digitalisation - change as part of the DNA of a company. In: Bosse / Zink: Arbeit 4.0 im Mittelstand. Part of a book (e.g. anthology) with its own title. Publisher Springer Gabler, 2019.

Helferich, P. S.: Pleil, T.: Lifelong informal learning: How to sustainably succeed in the digital
transformation. In: Transfer - das Steinbeis-Magazin. Newspaper or magazine article. Steinbeis Publishing House, October 2019.

Pleil, T.: Helferich, P. S.: Die Rolle der Unternehmenskommunikation in der Digitalisierung. In: Zerfaß, A. / Piwinger, M: Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation. Part of a book (e.g. anthology) with its own title. Springer Gabler Publishing House, 2019.

Further publications under: ORCID 0000- 0001- 9613- 7658


Pia Helferich

Communication Max-Planck-Straße 2
64807 Dieburg
Office: F01, 119
