Prof. Dr. Charlotte Dany

  • Professor of Development and Organisational Communication, Department of Social Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
  • Executive Director, Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate, Rhineland-Palatinate University of Technology Kaiserslautern-Landau (formerly: University of Koblenz-Landau) (2019-2023)

Short profile

  • Habilitation and award of the Venia Legendi for the subject Political Science by the Department of Social Sciences at the Goethe University Frankfurt - topic of the habilitation thesis: Humanitarian Governance. NGOs and the Politicisation of Humanitarian Aid (June 2021)
  • Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) at the Graduate School of Social Sciences of the University of Bremen (magna cum laude) - dissertation topic: The Ambiguity of Participation. Limits of NGO Influence at the World Summit on the Information Society (May 2010).
  • Studies International Media and Communication Studies, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden (2000-2001)
  • Studied Journalism and Communication Studies, Political Science, Modern History at the Free University of Berlin, graduating as Magistra Artium (1998-2004).

about the person

  • Political communication
  • Strategic communication
  • Non-governmental, non-profit organisations
  • Humanitarian aid and development policy
  • International Relations/Global Governance
  • International Media Policy/Digital Divide

2023 - 2027

Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds.
Collaboration on the application of the University of Koblenz-Landau to continue the cooperation with the University of Haifa.
Funded by: NA-DAAD
Project stakeholders: University of Haifa, Israel; Department 8 (Psychology) of the University of Koblenz-Landau, Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate



Friedenspädagogik in polarisierenden Konflikten um das 'Neue Hambacher Fest' (Peace education in polarising conflicts around the 'New Hambach Festival'), grant from the Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung Rheinland-Pfalz for a series of events.
Funded by: LpB RLP


Peacebuilding in polarising conflicts over democracy
Grants for innovative further education measures for democracy, cosmopolitanism and tolerance
Funding by: Rhineland-Palatinate Supervisory and Service Directorate (ADD RLP)

Learning to teach, networking and transfer project, funds for holding a conference
Funded by: German Foundation for Peace Research (DSF)
Project stakeholders: Peace and Conflict Research Group (AFK)



Reconsidering the Political Role of Humanitarian NGOs in Global Governance (DAAD PostDoc Fellowship)
Funded by: DAAD

Seit 03/ 2023

Professorship for Development and Organisational Communication, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences


2019 - 2023

Executive Director, Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate, Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University Kaiserslautern-Landau


2018 - 2019

Acting Professor (W2), Chair of Global Governance and Development Policy, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen


2009 - 2019

Research Associate, Institute for Political Science, Goethe University Frankfurt


2005 - 2009

Promotionsstipendiatin, Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences


2004 - 2005

Project Assistant SFB 597 Statehood in Transition, University of Bremen


Humanitarian Interventions and Humanitarianism,
The Palgrave Handbook of International Political Theory, hg. Von Howard Williams u.a., Palgrave Macmillan. Contribution to an anthology, single anonymised peer review. Scheduled for publication in September 2023.

Agenda Setting
Discus glossary

Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, Mette/Sharman, Jason C.: Vigilantes Beyond Borders. NGOs as Enforcers of International Law, 248 pp, Princeton UP, Princeton, NJ/Oxford 2022.
New Political Literature, Review 3 pp.


Editorial: Societal Divisions and Social Cohesion in Situations of Crisis, (with Dennis Dijkzeul).

Editorial: Societal Divisions and Social Cohesion in Situations of Crisis. (with Dennis Dijkzeul).
The Peace Watch. Journal of International Peace and Organization 96 (1-2), pp. 3-16. Editorial (German & English) on Special Issue, ed. of Special Issue, 8 pp.



"Myth VI: Humanitarian aid does not pursue political goals".
The Peace Watch. Journal of International Peace and Organization 95 (3-4), pp. 338-346.
Forum paper, 8 pages, open peer review.

Solidarity through Localization? Humanitarian Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Frontiers in Political Science 3 (Oct 2021), pp. 1-6.
Research essay, double anonymized Peer Review.

Bourgeois Antidemocrats. Max Otte and the "New Hambach Festival".
Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (8/2021), pp. 97-104.

Humanitarian Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Towards Global Solidarity?
Peace and the Pandemic - International Perspectives on Social Polarization and Cohesion in Times of COVID-19, Peace Perspectives No. 1, ed. non Charlotte Dany and Annalena Groope, pp. 45-50.
Working Paper.



Failed Cooperation in Times of Natural Disasters: Explaining the Rejection of Humanitarian Aid
International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 20 (2), pp.193-223.
Research article, double anonymised peer review.



Strengthening humanitarian aid
PRIF Report 2019 H. 6., edited by Christian, Ben/Coni-Zimmer, Melanie, Frankfurt/M., pp. 23-25. Policy Paper.

Exploring the Political Agency of Humanitarian NGOs: Médecins Sans Frontières During the European Refugee Crisis.
Global Society 33 (2), pp.184-200.
Research article, double anonymised peer review.

Humanitarian Aid in the Context of the Responsibility to Protect: NGOs between Neutrality and Instrumentalisation.
The Peace Watch. Journal of International Peace and Organization 92 (1-2), pp. 25-39.
Research article, double anonymised peer review.



Humanitäre NGOs als Normsetzer: Conceptualizing the Translation of Vague International Norms as an Expression of Organizational Autonomy (mit Andrea Schneiker).
Zeitschrift für Internationale Organisationsforschung 9 (1), S. 45-59.
Forschungsartikel, doppelt anonymisiertes Peer Review.



"Doing Good?": Humanitarian Cooperation (Review of "Humanitarianism and Challenges of Cooperation", ed. by Volker M. Heins / Kai Koddenbrock / Christine Unrau, London/New York: Routledge 2016.
In: Neue Politische Literatur 1/2017, pp. 183-185.