Members of the dkmi

Currently, about 30 researchers from different fields work together in the dkmi. The members are either research-active professors from five different faculties at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences or they work on one of the research projects. The disciplinary backgrounds range, for example, from communication and media science to computer and information science to economics and various fields of engineering or social sciences.


Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmunk

Educational Area
Professur Informationswissenschaft und Digitale Bibliothek

Portrait: Schmunk, Stefan, Prof. Dr.
Prof. Dr. Werner Stork

Educational Area
Management, Organisation, Personalmanagement

Martin Streit

Educational Area
Labengineer Augmented and Virtual Reality Design / Expanded Realities

Prof. Georg Struck
Portrait: Struck, Georg, Prof.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Unger
Portrait: Unger, Alexander, Prof. Dr.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vlasic
Portrait: Vlasic, Andreas, Prof. Dr.
Prof. Dr. Jörg von Garrel

Educational Area
Prozess- und Produktinnovationen

Portrait: von Garrel, Jörg, Prof. Dr.

Centre speaker

Thomas Pleil

Communication Max-Planck-Straße 2
64807 Dieburg
Office: F01, 119


Managing Director

Rita Vas-Deuschel

Communication Max-Planck-Straße 2
64807 Dieburg
Office: F01, 202
