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Publication CSR Communication in the Media
CSR Communication in the Media
The communication practices on CSR and sustainability in the media industry as well as the
associated theoretical concepts and empirical foundations have not yet been sufficiently
researched. This gap is closed by the new volume CSR Communication in the Media, published by Prof. Dr. Lars Rademacher, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Franzisca Weder and Prof. Dr. René Schmidpeter.
The book combines views of media management and journalism and takes a closer look at
media systems and media management from a global perspective. In addition, readers gain
insights into the public broadcasters and their tasks.
The authors focus on a new normative framework of sustainability, linking the established
debate on public value and the current debate on social impact and the social licence to
operate in the media industry. Through a variety of theoretical and practical contributions, the book addresses the dual nature of media and media companies, which simultaneously produce economic and cultural goods and thus bear a "double responsibility": on the one hand, for the way they represent reality, observe and criticise economic and political developments and bring ethical concerns into the public debate. On the other hand, they bear responsibility for their own activities as a company (licence to operate).
The book is aimed at readers who are interested in current contributions from CSR research as well as managers in the media industry.