News in Detail

Impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the fz dkmi

In response to the "Corona pandemic", Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences was put into basic operation. The fz dkmi has responded accordingly.

For several weeks now, the offices of the research centre at the university have been largely empty. After a short orientation phase, the work on the research and transfer projects takes place online - if possible and reasonable. Of course, this comes with some restrictions, because the research labs in particular are important for some projects. Also, some investigations and research steps with different target groups can only be implemented digitally to a limited

On another side, some of the offers that can be made within the framework of projects are
particularly important in the current phase. This applies, for example, to the Mittelstand 4.0 Competence Centre and "ALL in the Digital Transformation", which address current needs more than ever with support services on digitalisation topics. Other projects that build on
existing infrastructure, such as 360°-Environment, are currently coordinating with the hFMA funding association to extend their duration.

Particularly with the events planned for the spring, digitisation was not always possible - for
example, due to the short notice. Thus, the WissbarCamp (#wissbar20), which was to take place in April 2020, was unfortunately cancelled. Since it is currently impossible to foresee how the situation will develop, it was decided not to postpone the event for the time being. Any changes will be announced in time.

The funders are also reacting to the effects of the pandemic with temporary adjustments to the funding and selection conditions, so that submission deadlines are being postponed, funding requirements for companies are being suspended and reporting deadlines are being extended.

A temporary transitional regulation in the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (Act on Temporary Scientific Contracts) gives universities and research institutions, as employers of
scientists in their qualification phase, the option of extending employment relationships beyond the previous fixed-term limits by six months if, for example, research projects are delayed due to the current exceptional situation.

Centre speaker

Thomas Pleil

Communication Max-Planck-Straße 2
64807 Dieburg
Office: F01, 119


Managing Director

Rita Vas-Deuschel

Communication Max-Planck-Straße 2
64807 Dieburg
Office: F01, 202
