News in Detail

Resilient organisations in the context of transformation processes

Resilient organisations in the context of transformation processes as part of the event series:

"Accompanying and shaping transformation processes", a joint final event will take place on Friday, 10 February 2023 from 12 pm to 4.30 pm at the Dieburg campus in room F14 / 042, which will deal with current issues concerning the organisation and management of companies in the 21st century.

It will also be shown that higher education institutions are also strongly affected by current developments and the phenomena of the VUCA-world and that the orientation in the areas of research and transfer are significantly shaped by new challenges of the socio-ecological transformation. How can Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences develop and promote its own resilience against this background?

Resilience as a new guiding principle for management

There is a growing realisation that the developments in the VUCA-world and the challenges
and the challenges of the socio-ecological transformation processes are not compatible with the classic
management concepts and their strong orientation towards efficiency-rationality
cannot be mastered. The concept of resilience as a dynamic competence of organisations ("multi-level, dynamic capability", Ma/Xiao/Yin, 2018), seems to be a new guiding principle for the management of companies in the 21st century.Resilience (and curiosity) will therefore also form an important vertex when it comes to discussing and developing concepts for a "New BWL".
A total of six student teams from the modules "Leadership and Changemanage- ment" (M.Sc.
(BWL M.Sc.) and "Case Study Management" (WING M.Sc.) have examined the topic of
organisational resilience in the context of transformation processes from different perspectives.
perspectives. These will be presented and discussed at a joint final event on
and discussed at a joint final event on 10 February.


(1) The power of crisis: how to gain new strength from challenges
Using the current energy crisis as an example, the two fundamental dimensions of
resilience: The resilience ("skills in the face of threat" - "ability to bounce back") and the power to renew ("grow with challenges" - "capability to transform"). In the firstly, the way in which Germany has dealt with historical crises is analysed and then develops proposals for dealing with the current energy crisis.
energy crisis. These include concepts for achieving "dynamic self-sufficiency" as well as promising approaches for dealing with the current energy crisis and promising approaches for exploiting the opportunities currently available.

(2) Transformative learning, psychological safety and the growing importance of coaching in leadership
The digital transformation, but also the ecological transformation, pose major challenges for companies as well as society as a whole companies as well as society as a whole. The speed and
processes often go far beyond the usual in terms of their speed and their the familiar. Not infrequently, this gives rise to worries and fears among those involved. The loss of security is lamented and the danger of being left behind is felt.
On the basis of new theoretical approaches and interviews with experts, concepts on
transformative learning, psychological safety and leading with the coaching approach.They should help to maintain or promote the necessary innovative strength and motivation for change in the companies.

(3) How can companies and employees manage the transformation in the automotive industry?
For decades, the corporate purpose of the automotive industry has been defined by the development the development, production and sale of vehicles with combustion engines. However, the key sector of German industry is currently facing a highly challenging transformation. In view of the climate crisis, it is important to switch to alternative drive concepts very quickly. In addition, IT applications are becoming more and more important and the company is transforming itself into an integrated mobility provider in conjunction with other service concepts. The simultaneous shortage of skilled workers poses enormous challenges in the area of human resources development. The development of new job profiles and the provision of new qualifications are becoming strategic bottleneck factors. The article was written in close cooperation with Audi AG and analyses, among other things, the possible use of different formats of personnel development and coaching.

(4) Resilience in small and medium-sized enterprises: How can SMEs successfully build resilience and, in particular, master the difficulties in the supply chain
The times of overlapping and simultaneous crises in the VUCA world bring extensive challenges and pose immense challenges to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular. In particular, the supply chain of SMEs, which cannot provide the same level of human and financial resources as large companies, conceals enormous dangers for the business model. A correspondingly resilient and sustainable integration of SMEs into globalised markets is therefore of fundamental importance for Germany as a business location.The presentation analyses the new framework conditions and introduces various possibilities and solutions - among others, a concept for know-how transfer and an approach to extended cooperation possibilities are presented.

(5) Pro-sumer cooperatives as a (new) organisational approach in the energy transition
The energy transition poses special challenges for the energy industry. New energy sources and technologies are also changing the relationship between energy producers and energy consumers. The organisational form of cooperatives is a very interesting alternative in this context. It is gaining new importance in the context of the socio-ecological transformation and - under certain conditions - is considered to be particularly resilient. In the energy industry, one speaks in this context of so-called pro-sumer cooperatives, which generate, store, trade and use electricity and heat within the framework of the cooperative community.

(6) Resilient universities - how can Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences better prepare for crises and prepare for crises and take advantage of new development opportunities
Universities are also strongly affected by current developments and the phenomena of the VUCA world. On the one hand, the Corona crisis in particular has fundamentally changed higher education in Germany and the effects on teaching are currently being intensively discussed. On the other hand, the challenges in the context of the socio-ecological transformation are increasingly shaping the orientation in the areas of research and transfer. The final contribution of the event will therefore work out how Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences itself can develop and further promote its resilience. A special focus will be placed on the three fields of action: digitalisation, sustainability and health.

We look forward to your participation and to a lively discussion - during the contributions and also in the break discussions, for example in the adjacent Café Zeitraum at our campus in Dieburg. For further enquiries, please contact us at:

Centre speaker

Thomas Pleil

Communication Max-Planck-Straße 2
64807 Dieburg
Office: F01, 119


Managing Director

Rita Vas-Deuschel

Communication Max-Planck-Straße 2
64807 Dieburg
Office: F01, 202
