Even though the project was launched several weeks ago and a number of meetings have taken place in smaller circles since then: On 31 October, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences hosted the official kick-off for the DA_RuN project in Darmstadt. Over 20 participants responded to the call, with the majority dialling in online. After being welcomed by project managers Werner Stork and Pia Sue Helferich, Max Grund (all from Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences) introduced the most important stages of the funding project's roadmap.
According to Max Grund, the project is currently in the analysis phase. Here, the needs of the project partners are identified and the specific measures that will be implemented in the following months are jointly agreed. At the beginning of the funding project, the focus will be on strengthening resilience and curiosity at an individual and team level; in the second half of the project, questions of organisational resilience and curiosity will be addressed. Max Grund also emphasised the great interest of the project partners in the topic of "mindfulness" and corresponding measures to strengthen this basic competence for resilience development.
Jochen Robes (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences) referred to the plan to summarise the experiences and results of the funding project in a lernOS guide and make them available to an interested public. "lernOS" is an "open system for lifelong learning and learning organisations" (https://cogneon.github.io/lernos/de). The project team at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences will invite interested partners to familiarise themselves with this learning format as part of the planned network activities.
"Networking activities": The following network and community formats are currently planned: regular face-to-face meetings with changing project partners on site (approx. every 8 weeks, from February 2024), a newsletter (quarterly) and a closed LinkedIn group for joint, informal dialogue. These activities can be expanded if required.
Janis Nold (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences) and Tobias Schenck (schenck AG) then presented the ILKA app ("Informelle Lernkalender App"). With the help of ILKA, learning activities and learning times can be recorded on the move. Werner Stork also pointed out the possibility of using ILKA to document the time that is specifically invested in DA_RuN project work and the implementation of individual measures. Interested partners are cordially invited to test the app as part of the planned measures.
Finally, Paul Backes (P55.Marketing) and Anke Kopsch (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences) provided information about the evaluation project that is being carried out as part of DA_RuN. They presented which data will be collected at which points in time. Further accompanying research activities are also planned. There was a desire for more in-depth discussion of some of the topics presented, so we will be inviting participants to further meetings focussing on these topics.
The kick-off ended with a brief feedback from the representatives of schenck AG, Unternehmerverband Südhessen, Vitronic GmbH, Die Haftpflichtkasse VVaG and Sustainable Thinking. (jr)