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The dkmi at the ESSLab+ Seminar - Sustainability Science: What's in a name?

From May 21 to 23, 2024, the international ESSLab+ Seminar titled "Sustainability Science - What's in a Name?" took place on the Dieburg campus of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.

The dkmi at the ESSLab+ seminar

The ESSLab+ Seminar provided a platform for scientific exchange and networking, attracting participants from across the entire EUT+ network.

The event kicked off with exciting keynote speeches from experts presenting the latest developments and insights in sustainability sciences. Notably, the lively panel discussions on "Science4Policy" highlighted the role of science in political decision-making. These discussions offered valuable insights into the application of scientific knowledge for shaping sustainable policy measures.

Another highlight was the interactive training sessions focused on interdisciplinarity in sustainability sciences. These sessions provided participants with the opportunity to learn new methods and approaches to better understand and address the complexity and multifaceted nature of sustainability issues.

Sustainability communication working group at the "Pecha Kucha" session

Particularly noteworthy was the Pecha Kucha presentation of the dkmi working group on the research focus "Sustainability Communication" with Prof. Dr. Pia Sue Helferich, Prof. Dr. Thomas Pleil, Prof. Dr. Lars Rademacher and Prof. Dr. Torsten Schäfer as well as the doctoral students Vanessa Kokoschka, Lukas Materzok, Teresa Otsa and Sana Ghayas.

On behalf of the working group, Prof. Dr. Lars Rademacher presented their diverse research activities in the fields of journalism, strategic communication, green marketing, public communication and education. The variety of topics and the depth of the projects presented were very well received by the international participants and led to many discussions and networking requests.

The importance and relevance of sustainability communication was clearly emphasized by the presentation of the dkmi working group for many participants, especially those from technological research areas. This was reflected in the intensive discussions and lively exchanges that took place throughout the conference.

The dkmi was also represented in the poster sessions with further contributions from its members. These included the project "The Guardians of Naxos" on sustainable tourism, led by Prof. Georg Struck; the audio trail in Dieburger Forst on sustainable acoustic ecology, led by Prof. Sabine Breitsameter; the project "Gesund FDM" on the sustainable use of research data in healthcare, led by Prof. Dr. Stefan Schmunk; and the "Mindful University" project for the sustainable promotion of resilience and mindfulness at an individual and organizational level, project management Prof. Dr. Lars Rademacher and Prof. Dr. Werner Stork, as well as other innovative projects. These presentations illustrated the breadth and depth of sustainability research and encouraged further discussions and cooperation.

Overall, the ESSLab+ Seminar 2024 was a great success and a significant step towards promoting interdisciplinary cooperation in the sustainability sciences. The event impressively demonstrated how important and influential communication and networking are in this field and laid the foundation for future joint projects and research initiatives.

Centre speaker

Thomas Pleil

Communication Max-Planck-Straße 2
64807 Dieburg
Office: F01, 119


Managing Director

Rita Vas-Deuschel

Communication Max-Planck-Straße 2
64807 Dieburg
Office: F01, 202
